We wish we could show you all of the fascinating things we’re working on, but for now, here’s a sneak peek of some generic images and pithy descriptions that don’t do these projects justice.

Just trust us. They’re 💯

Experiential Master Plan for Fortune 100 Company Briefing & Experience Center

This high-flying project involves examining space, experience, and operations in service of a one-of-a-kind visitor experience. We’ve done over 50 interviews and assessed multiple locations before making real estate recommendations, creating an interpretive strategy, creating visuals, making recommendations, and providing ROM budgets.

Confidential VR Project for International Conference in Asia 

A five-minute VR walk-through of a retail concept store of the future to highlight at a global conference in Singapore.

Immersive US Headquarters for a Tech Company

Creating a highly interactive new brand experience center in Philadelphia for a high-growth tech company.

Experiential concepting for a 170-year-old retail brand

A mix of high-fashion, digital integration, and real textures will help this organization stand out in Asia and Europe.


Brickstone Realty